Web Design

Business and eCommerce website design and redesign

Creating quality websites for local businesses is our web design priority

Local business owners give plenty of reasons as to why they don’t have a website for their business:

  • There’s no money on the budget for a website
  • Websites don’t really work
  • They get their customers from word of mouth
  • Advertising on local, print, magazines has always worked for them

In this day and age there’s no valid reason as to why any business shouldn’t have a good quality website.

• There’s no money on the budget for a website

A lot of businesses earn just enough to keep afloat and run on a day by day basis. These businesses just make enough for the owner to pay for expenses, such as wages, rent, etc. There’s usually no money to invest on anything else. That’s the main reason why these businesses need, urgently, a good business website. The website can make them acquire more customers through leads. More customers means more business, more business more money.

Our lead generating websites come to the rescue

With our lead generation websites the initial investment can be as low as $0. You will only need to pay once the website is working for you, sending you leads, earning you money. There’s very low to no risk involved. Having little or no money to spend on advertising your services is not a valid reason anymore.

Websites Don’t Work

There are businesses out there that have paid a couple hundred dollars to get a website for their business. Some business owners think that by having a website, customers are going to magically start pouring in. When that doesn’t happen, they become disillusioned and think that websites don’t really work.

It is not that websites don’t work. Websites must be optimized so that search engines, such as Google, can find them and then show them to customers searching for the type of services you provide. If your website is of low quality, it will not get a high ranking by search engines and it will never show up on customers’ searches. That’s the reason why your website is not attracting any visitors and business leads.

Having a website without doing any search engine optimization whatsoever, be it on-page or off-page, is like having your business sign made and then hanging it inside your office; hoping that it will attract customers to your business.

How to identify a low quality website

I have seen plenty of businesses, in the Los Angeles area, that have website clones of other businesses in the same industry. What happens is that business owners pay someone, usually a few hundred dollars, to create a website. This person then uses the exact same layout, content, and sometimes even images, as what he used on a previous website. The only thing different is the domain and business name. This is a type of a very low quality website.

A low quality website is usually lacking in many of the following:

  • Title (either there’s no Title or the Title is too short or too long)
  • Meta Description  (Meta Descriptions often dictate how your pages are show in search results)
  • Headings
  • ALT attribute on images
  • Text (Text has to be original, high quality and readable. Copied text will make sure that your website never shows up in searches)
  • Sitemap (search engines use the Sitemap to Index your website)
  • Responsiveness (now a days, websites must be responsive; they must be easy to navigate whether being accessed on a desktop or on a mobile device)
  • Internal Links (these links are used by search engines to navigate around your website, indexing it better)
  • External Links (links from other websites pass Trust to your website, influencing it in the eyes of search engines)

If your website has problems in the above subjects, then you have a low quality website. Your website needs to be evaluated and most probably redesigned.


• The business relies on word of mouth to get their customers

Sure, the easiest way to turn a prospect to a customer, is for that prospect to have been referred by another customer of yours. You don’t have to do much to land them, as they probably have already been sold by your customer.

But just how fast and how big is your business going to grow by just relying on your customers to refer new customers to your business?

Can your business sustain itself by this method?

What if these customers cuould refer you, not only people that they know, but people whom they don’t know and don’t know them?

That’s what a website and social media platforms can do for your business.

People are rellying more and more on search engines to find quality service providers with good reputation and that are somewhat close to home.

If you are looking into growing or expanding your business, you have to make the transition into marketing on the digital platforms. It is time to get out of the zone of confort.



Do you have business website?

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